
Andy joined his Lighthouse family in July of 2002. Andy’s sense of humor often sets the tone of the house. Andy enjoys listening to music in his room, watching MASH, shooting baskets, and hanging out with the guys. Only if you are a special friend will he entertain you with his opera.
Michelle joined us in April 2013. Michelle is fantastic in the kitchen with cooking, dishes, and always leaving the kitchen spotless.
Nathan has been at the Lighthouse 2005. He has a love for the Lord that stands out in all he does. He loves to listen to music, watch Walker movies and socialize in the kitchen over a cup of coffee.
Sara moved to the Lighthouse when it opened in 1999 and is one of our veteran family members. She has grown with the home into a hard working woman. Sara is one of the first out the door on a cold winters day to feed the cows or water the chickens. She enjoys helping in the garden, mowing lawn, putting puzzles together, and bowling.
Jamey is one of our veteran family members at the Lighthouse. She has been here since 1999 and going strong. Jamey loves to listen to music and sings with a God given gift of harmony. She enjoys beading, playing cards, reading magazines and is a social butterfly. There is not an event she attends she does not have a friend there to greet her.
Ryan was added as a family member to the Lighthouse in 2000 along with his twin sister. Ryan is looked up to as the man of the house and takes his responsibilities seriously. He tends to the cows daily and walks the fence line to ensure the safety of the herd. Ryan is a talented basketball player, lip sink artist, and air guitarist.
Derek has been here since 2014.  Derek is from New Jersey but has family in Bigfork and is no stranger to Montana. We are thrilled to have him here at the Lighthouse as he brings his youth, happy nature, and big smile to house every day.
Leanne relocated to the Lighthouse from her family’s ranch in Dupuyer in 2006. She is an avid baker and can turn any recipe into a yummy dessert. Leanne enjoys writing letters, telling jokes, and listening to music. As a country girl Leanne is awesome with cleaning out the corral and chicken coop.
Supported Living Services
Andrea arrived at the Lighthouse in 2006 with a smile on her face and in her heart. Andrea is a friendly independent young woman that enjoys Facebook, YouTube, shopping, eating out, and the 3 cats. She helps in the office during the week making copies and filing.
Supported Living Services
Anne took up residency at the Lighthouse in 2000. Anne is blessed with domestic talents that make her an asset. She helps write out the chore list, records the menu, prepares lunches for outings or skiing, and communicates with the staff effectively about what’s happening. Anne enjoys movies, skiing, shopping, and being with friends.
Carleen joined the family recently.  Last summer she and her family traveled here from Washington so she could spend time getting to know us.  Her beautiful smile and friendly nature make her a good fit
Kerry joined our family the first of 2020. Kerry has an amazing story of living and working independently in MN. She worked in a mail room for 32 years and recently retired. She visited the Lighthouse while visiting family in the summer and had a clear desire to live here. She has a passion for word searches and truly cares what others think.
In 2018 Seth became a new resident to the Lighthouse. His transition was gradual as he continued to work in town for a while. Now he works as part of our Shining Honor Project and is fully immersed in our farm life as one of our most reliable chore volunteers and can handle a wheelbarrow like no other. His love for power rangers is as fierce and on point as his sense of humor.